As a 3 Principles Practitioner, I serve as a guide to help point you back home to who you truly are at your essence, which is Innate Wellbeing and Healthy Psychological Functioning.
Through a series of Conversations, you will experience Insights which will give you a different perspective on how life really works. This new way of Seeing will enable you to gain a greater sense of Clarity, Balance, Peace, and Love in your life, regardless of your external circumstances.
There are no tools, tricks or skills to implement. No mantras or meditations required. Just a simple understanding of how our experience of life is created from the Inside Out, not the Outside In.
relationship and divorce Coach
Relationship & Divorce Coach
Providing compassionate support and guidance through life's challenges.
Divorce and relationship Coaching
Del is an accomplished Relationship and Divorce Coach whose practice is informed both by the empathy and wisdom gained from her own divorce and her deeper studies of spiritual and human psychology. She provides compassionate support and the essential skills necessary to successfully heal your current relationship or help you navigate through your divorce as swiftly and painlessly as possible. Whether you are considering divorce, in the midst of your divorce, or the divorce was final a few years back but you still find yourself stuck, working with Del is the answer to you moving forwards confidently, towards the bright new future of your dreams.
Couples in Crisis
Troubled Teens
Divorce Coaching
The Ford Institute: Transformational Coaching:
The Ford Institute: Relationship and Divorce Coaching:
University of Santa Monica: Spiritual Psychology:
University of Santa Monica: Soul Centered Coaching:
Integrative Enneagram Coach:
Mosten Divorce Mediation :
OCH Divorce Mediation: