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There's a better and more joyful way to live and love - it's waiting for you to claim it - and I'm here to guide you through one of the most important personal development work you will ever do.


It's Time to Choose a Life of Clarity, Confidence, & Freedom



I work exclusively one-on-one with people for the sole purpose of addressing your own unique circumstances and needs and to help you lay down a solid foundation for your personal healing journey.


Our 6-month of working together is vital for you to fully absorb the information, tools, and coaching you’ll receive and will need to break the habitual thinking patterns and behaviors of codependency and narcissistic abuse that you've been struggling with for years.


​I provide you with the time and a safe space to experience a radical shift in how other people relate to you and more importantly, how to love and respect yourself in a way you never have before.  Having the opportunity to talk to someone where there is no risk of violence or abuse allows the nervous system to regulate - sometimes for the first time. Creating this space for you is vital and non-negotiable because this is where true healing takes place.  This is what I am committed to providing for you. The transformation you will experience is light years away from what any book or workshop can offer.


You are going to finally open the doors to the love and respect you deserve and a whole new life of attracting people who are loving, nurturing, and respectful. 














The biggest game-changer when it comes to being happy and joyful in life is the ability to live with clear and healthy boundaries, to express yourself clearly, and to learn how to say YES or No without feeling guilty. In short, it's the ability to truly LOVE YOURSELF.

What’s on offer?


Imagine living your life where you never again settle for breadcrumbs in your relationships – always settling for second-best.


Imagine always feeling safe speaking your mind – no more people-pleasing – where you don’t put the needs of others ahead of your own.


Imagine never having to walk on eggshells because you’re afraid or intimidated.


Imagine a life where you attract people who are loving, respectful, and kind – a life where all of the narcissists stay far away from you because they know they have no power over you.


Imagine a life where you have clear and healthy boundaries – where you can say YES and NO without feeling guilty.


Imagine feeling a deep love and respect for the person you see in the mirror every day.


Imagine the joy of living FREE!


This is what I am offering you. If this is what you want, then you're in the right place!





6 Month Program - $7,997

payment installments are available















The only person who can pull me down is myself, and I'm not going to let myself pull me down anymore.


C. JoyBell.





If you are interested working with me, but would like more information - if you'd like to talk about your unique circumstances - then take the first step and schedule a free 25 minute discovery call with me - just click the box below.

© 2023 Del Adey-Jones All Rights Reserved 

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